Before and After Pressing/cleaning

No comics pressing site would be complete without a pictorial display of what is possible with a simple cleaning and pressing.  Your results may vary, lots of trial and effort was employed prior to getting these level of results.  With a modicum of hand/eye coordination and trial and effort, you can have amazing results!  The pics that follow involve some conservation techniques and other methods of improvement, but pressing was a major part of making these amazing books much better looking!

Giant-size X-men 1 Giant-size X-men 1 repair

GS X-Men #1 fix spine roll

Obviously this involved a little more than just clean and press, and is a proprietary technique.  Square bound books are one of the most difficult to press (many pressers avoid them or charge much more than regular comics), and the first pic is what happens when one of these books is improperly pressed.  Pressure and heat work together to soften and squish the spine, VERY difficult to repair.  Proper pressing should result in a nice square spine and no dimples from the interior staples, I will be posting an article soon with how to properly press one of these books without pancaking the spine.  Stay tuned!


Spider-Man 15 Spider-Man 15 pressed

ASM 15 beater repair

Here is an example of how even a total beater can benefit from a careful clean and press.  Spine rolls are a little tricky to repair without popping staples, and certainly there was a lot of time spent unfolding the crumpled paper backinto place.  The result is still a low grade book but appearance improvements were well worth the effort which translates into more $$$.   Simple pressing

Tales of Suspense 57 Tales of Suspense 57 clean press

TOS 57, Blue label cleaning

Careful cleaning on a mostly white cover can be very spectacular.  There was a significant amount of oily grease on this cover, despite extreme cleaning the book is still blue label, and is substantially more presentable

ASM 41 Blue Label cleaning

Much the same as the book above.  Intensive cleaning with some really nice results

Georgie #1, initial wrinkle removal

Wrinkle removal, final pressing still to be done.

Action Comics 21 Action Comics 21 restoredAction Comics #21

I just consider myself lucky to have worked on it, such a beautiful book


action comics 20 action comics 20

Action 20

Another huge book I was proud to work on.  Some conservational work was done to repair the spine issues, and a good cleaning.

Detective Comics 25 Detective Comics 25 repaired pressed

Tec #25 spine roll fix

OMG this was the most extreme spine roll I have ever repaired.  Turned out very well and the customer was very happy.  This is a good example of just how effective a proper pressing and cleaning can be, no other special conservational techniques were performed.


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Bob Strain

After over 50 years of comic collecting, I am still amazed at how many wonderful people are involved in this hobby